About Us

Bel Canto Singers is a Scarborough-based SATB community choir composed of singers of varying ages and backgrounds who love to sing and have fun. Our repertoire, presented in two formal concerts annually, ranges from popular to classical to spiritual. In addition, we sing at community events and seniors’ residences when possible as part of our community service mandate. We have been serving our community for over 30 years.

“No matter how tired or blue I am when I arrive at choir, when I leave, I am walking on air.”

— Marlene

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  • Singers of all ages are welcome. We prefer members with some experience in choral singing (even if it was a long time ago). Potential singers are invited to audition us by coming out to a couple of rehearsals early in the season to sing with us and get a feel for the group. Then Music Director Michael Morgan will audition newcomers by testing their vocal range and ability to match pitch and navigate a score. After Michael’s OK, you pay your membership fee to become one of us!

  • We plan two major concerts per year, in May and December, which take place at Scarborough Bluffs United Church. In addition, we may be seen in other venues around town, including seniors’ residences and community centres, as well as with the Scarborough Philharmonic Orchestra when feasible.

  • Volunteers are Bel Canto’s strength, starting with a volunteer Board made up of choir members and friends of the choir. In addition, all functions necessary for the smooth running of rehearsals are performed by volunteers, from setting up and taking down chairs each week, to handing out music, to arranging for a snack at rehearsal break time.

    Concerts are also a busy time, as choir members pitch in to set up the performance space, bake cookies and squares, and help where help is needed. Choir members are also mainly responsible for ticket sales, with family and friends making up the majority of our regular audience.

  • Bel Canto was founded in 1993 as a community choir that would provide fun and fellowship as well as excellence in singing for experienced and committed choristers. We continue in that tradition today.

  • We hold two workshops each year aimed at improving aspects of our singing, such as breathing, tone quality, ear training, sight reading, and rhythms. These events have proven so enjoyable, we have begun calling them the “fun” shops!

    The choir also plans a number of social events throughout the year, including pre-rehearsal dinners, post-concert gatherings, pot-lucks and banquets.

    Bel Canto’s mandate includes community service; for example, we collect donations at our concerts that are passed on to worthy charities, most notably Kids Help Phone.

    The heart of our group, however, is singing. That is what inspires us and what brings us together. We love to share our love of singing.

Become a Bel Canto Singer Today.